Night of the Academy Published - Mon, Jan 27, 2020
Night of the Academy

Last weekend of the 25/26th of January there was the 2 yearly event ‘Night of the academy’ which features a non-stop flow of events at the art & music academy in my home town Sint-Niklaas.

Best wishes for 2020 Published - Wed, Jan 1, 2020
Best wishes for 2020
My best wishes for the new year. Do not forget to enjoy the small things in life and be creative … With warm greetings, Steven
New Redbubble Shop Published - Mon, Jun 3, 2019
New Redbubble Shop

I am happy to announce that I opened a new Redbubble shop for my ‘Nature’ related artwork. 

The shop includes various art works from my art series ‘Swimming Like Fish’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Seeds of Love’.

Best wishes for 2019 Published - Tue, Jan 1, 2019
Best wishes for 2019
Best wishes for 2019 ! Do not forget to enjoy the small things in life and be creative … With warm greetings, Steven
Academy Graduated Published - Mon, Jul 2, 2018
Academy Graduated

I am proud to announce that I got my degree after following 4 years of model drawing at the academy of Sint-Niklaas.

Academy Graduation 2018 Published - Mon, Jun 11, 2018
Academy Graduation 2018

The 2018 annual graduation exposition of the academy of Sint-Niklaas at the Bau-Huis during the weekend of the 9th/10th of June was a great success.

Over 125 students graduated and showed their creative talents in a variety of crafts, materials and mediums in the 3 exposition rooms.