Art Series - Bleeding Published - Wed, Aug 25, 2021
Art Series - Bleeding

Our website is growing with new art content. I am proud to announce the addition of a new art series.

New Website Contemporary Published - Fri, Aug 20, 2021
New Website Contemporary

I am very happy to announce the release of my brand new Sedas Contemporary website.

Launching my first Crypto Art Collection on OpenSea Published - Mon, Mar 1, 2021
Launching my first Crypto Art Collection on OpenSea

I am excited to announce I am launching my first Crypto Art (NFT) collection on the OpenSea platform. The art series ‘March 2 Infinity - Visions’ - regarding humanities quest into transhumanism - is started with 10 minted works.

Best wishes for 2021 Published - Fri, Jan 1, 2021
Best wishes for 2021
My best wishes for the new year. Let it be a creative year full of new art and more importantly a good health for you & your relatives.
Our Redbubble printed articles shop is updated Published - Mon, Aug 24, 2020
Our Redbubble printed articles shop is updated

We have updated our Sedas Redbubble shop with all our latest artworks including our recent ‘Digital Waves’ art series.

You can now print these art works on a whole range of articles ranging from clothing, household items to electronics gadgets.

Academy on Air Published - Fri, Apr 3, 2020
Academy on Air

The academy started the ‘Academy on Air’ initiative to stimulate art students to continue to work from home on there art works and to show pictures of there working spot via the social media.