Digital Waves
Our society is flooded by technology and its digital waves ...
Fading Into The Dark Web I
Into The Dark Web III
Feelings of humans are bleeding for inner introspection ...
Color is Sin
March 2 Infinity
The March to Infinity had departed. Will Humanity make the right choices ?
Fallen Tribunes
March 2 Infinity TRADQAN
The March to Infinity had departed. Will Humanity make the right choices ? Traditional based upon AI.
Fallen Tribunes
The Journey
March 2 Infinity Transhuman
The March to Infinity had departed. Will Humanity make the right choices ? Transhuman. More human then human ...
Transhuman - Sauron
Transhuman - Andromeda
March 2 Infinity AI
The March to Infinity had departed. Will Humanity make the right choices ? AI Generated Art.
The Punisher
The All Seeing